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Welcome to the Sonora Library! We have several opportunities for students to become engaged and develop a love of reading!

Destiny Discover to see the books we have in our library and select Sonora Elementary!! 

Morning Eagle Reading Club

Each morning from 7:15 - 7:45 students are welcome to come to the library to read! Older students are available to assist younger students in taking AR tests. We hope to see you there!

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader is a reading program where students first read a book in their instructional level, then take a quiz on it. The quiz tests comprehension and encourages students to move to higher reading levels. If you'd like to learn more about the program, arbookfind

Battle of the Books (BOB)

Battle of the Books (BOB) is a reading program for students in grades 4 and 5. Every year 20 fun and fascinating books are assigned in September for the students to read. In the spring, the Sonora BOB team competes against other schools in the district at an exciting "battle" held at Eastbluff Elementary. Teams are challenged to answer questions about the 20 books they have read.

Multiple tables and chairs.
Multiple book shelves with books and a colorful rug on the floor.


Every spring Sonora holds a Book Swap. Bring in books from home that you have finished reading and would like to donate. Students receive a ticket for each book they donate. Each ticket is good for 2 books to select from the donated books at our swap.